Grafe's Bike Drive's Used Bikes For Sale

If you want one of theses bikes please put down 20% down on them threw Paypal only way you can save a bike.

Make sure it's not sold already by calling me ot txt me first 914-443-2474.

If you our using along distance number be sure to leave a message.

 Located at: 67 Washington st Middletown Ny 10940 Appointment only 914-443-2474

G.B.D. has given away 2870 free bikes to kids and saved our area landfills 5731 bikes.

Theses bikes will be sold for expenses for Grafe's Bike Drive 

Bikes need to be picked up at 67 Washington st Middletown Ny

3 speeds

Tenspeed Bikes

Tenspeed 1 / Ten speeds 2

Mens Bikes 1 / Mens Bikes 2

Teenage Bikes 24 inch

 +Back to Used Bikes.

12 and 16 INCH BMX BIKES (3-6 years of age)

20 INCH SPEED BIKES (10-16 years of age)

BMX BIKES (10-20 years of age)

Girls BMX BIKES PAGE 2 (10-20 years of age)

 Woman's Used Bikes

Bikes need to be picked up at 67 Washington st Middletown Ny

Twin Scooters $40.00

Rolls good, and good plastic.

Pink Motorcycle $20.00

Rolls good, and good plastic.

Flippa $35.00 retail new 99.00

Back wheels come in to flatten and put away.

Platic scooter 3 wheels, pretty neat.

1 bike rack $20.00

has some wear, strangle bar

 Trades welcome.

 Please e-mail or call about your inquiry. - 914-443-2474

Parts assorted things like bike racks, and new locks.

Buying Bikes and Stuff

G.B.D restores and sells parts. Call for appointment today! 914-443-2474

 Trades for life April 1st- November 1st.

 30 days after purchase you can trade for free, If you bring back the bike you bought back in same condition as you bought it.

Trades welcome

Please email or call with any questions.

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Used Bikes

Bike Drive Home

All bikes restored by G.B.D.


Trade for life

Please donate today on Paypal